
IGNOU Master of Computer Applications (MCA) Course | School of Computer & Information Sciences (SOCIS)

The broad objective of the MCA is to prepare graduate students for productive careers in software industry academia by providing an outstanding environment for teaching and research in the core and emerging areas of the discipline. The programme’s thrust is on giving the students a thorough and sound background in theoretical and application- oriented courses relevant to the latest computer software development. The programme emphasizes the application of software technology to solve mathematical, computing, communications/networking and commercial problems.

The Master’s Degree Programme has been  designed with a  semester approach  in mind.  The  first  year courses  are aimed at skills development in computers using various technologies, the second year is more focused on core courses providing a conceptual framework and the third year provides the specialization and the project work. After the successful completion of first year courses, the student will receive the PGDCA (Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications) certificate.

Eligibility: Any Bachelor’s degree of minimum 3 (three) year duration from a recognized University AND

Mathematics as one of the subject at 10+2 level or graduation level;  else the student is required  to pursue and  pass the BCS12 course concurrently with IGNOU MCA.

Medium of Instruction: English

Duration: Minimum 3 years and Maximum 6 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions

Fee Structure: Rs. 64,800/- for full programme to be paid semester wise @Rs. 10,800/- per semester. Non Maths students have to pay Rs.1,400/- additional in the first semester.

Programme Details:

The programme has been divided into two semesters per year (January-June and July-December). Consequently, there will be two examinations every year – one in the month of June for the  January to June  Semester courses  and the other is  December for the July to December semester  courses. The  students are  at liberty to appear any  of the examinations conducted by the University during the year subject  to completing the minimum  time frame  and other formalities prescribed for the programme.

Course Code Title of the Course Credits
First Year
I Semester
MCS 11 Problem Solving and Programming 3
MCS 12 Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming 4
MCS 13 Discrete Mathematics 2
MCS 14 Systems Analysis and Design 3
MCS 15 Communication Skills 2
MCSL 16 Internet Concepts and Web Design 2
MCSL 17 C and Assembly Language Programming Lab 2
II Semester
MCS 21 Data and File Structures 4
MCS 22 Operating System Concepts and Networking Management 4
MCS 23 Introduction to Database Management Systems 3
MCS 24 Object Oriented Technologies and Java Programming 3
MCSL 25 Lab (based on MCS21, MCS22, MCS23 and MCS24) 4
Second Year
III Semester
MCS 31 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 4
MCS 32 Object Oriented Analysis and Design 3
MCS 33 Advanced Discrete Mathematics 2
MCS 34 Software Engineering 3
MCS 35 Accountancy and Financial Management 3
MCSL 36 Lab (based on MCS32, MCS34 and MCS35) 3


IGNOU Project

WHY US ? Do remember project comes once in complete study period. Never take risk of dealing with fraud vendors selling the projects. We have many cases who has come to us after facing many problems due to cheap rates given by them!

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