IGNOU Jodhpur

Where is IGNOU Jodhpur Regional Center?

The IGNOU JodhpurRegional Center is in Rajasthanthe center full address is IGNOU, REGIONAL CENTRE,JODHPUR,439, OPPOSITE KAMLA NAGAR HOSPITAL, PAL LINK ROAD, JODHPUR – 342008 (RAJASTHAN).

What is the contact no. of IGNOU JodhpurRegional Center?

.  The contact no. of IGNOU JodhpurRegional Center is Phone: 0291-2751424,MOBILE NO. 9414036579,

What is the email id of the Jodhpur Regional Center?

The JodhpurRegional Center email id is email: rcjodhpur@ignou.ac.in, Website : rcjodhpur@ignou.ac.in

What is the timing of the Jodhpur Regional Center?

We can visit at the IGNOU JodhpurRegional Center Monday to Friday 9:30 AM to 6 PM. Lunch Time:1:30 to 2:00 PM and Saturday Sunday will remain close.

Which kinds of activities provide by Jodhpur Regional Center?

. Main Activities performed at Jodhpur Regional Centre are


 Pre-admission counseling to the aspiring learners

 Admission Activities (January & July Session)

 Online Admission Facility

 Study Material (SIM) Distribution

 Conduct of Induction Meetings

 Participation in State & National educational fairs.

 Publicity and promotional activities

 Establishment of Learner Support Centres as per need and demand.

 Conduct of Viva-voce for BCA/MCA/MAPC/MA (Edu).

 Conduct of Term End Examinations/Practical Examinations in the month of June & December

 Organizing Convocation function at the State level

 Collecting the assignments of resubmission and getting them evaluated

 Monitoring of counseling reports

 Conduct of Orientation Programmes

 Conduct of Practical Examination.

 Job fair and placement

 Promotional activity specially at tribal, remote & rural areas.

 Scholarship & fees reimbursement thought Direct Benifit Scheme

 Free education for Jail inmates.