What is the full form of IGNOU igram?

IGNOU igram full form is IGNOU Grievance Redress And Management (iGRAM).

What is IGNOU igram?

. The IGNOU iGRAM make there every kind of effort to ensure that we can able to pursue our course without facing any kinds of difficulty. Sometimes due to lack of information we might face some kinds of problems but the university will able to handle all these things very well. This platform is quite good to addressing the problems and we can also get the solution of the our problem.

What is IGNOU Grievances?

. IGNOU Grievances Cell – The Indira Gandhi National Open University has set up a separate portal for us to redress their grievances and issues which they may face while pursuing their studies. It is known as IGNOU Grievance Redress Anad Management. It is also abbreviated as iGRAM. The higher management in the Indira Gandhi National Open University has become now more active to handle all the grievances of the us. We just need to visit the IGNOU Grievance Redress And Management (iGRAM) portal and raise their concern.

We should use this effectively of this portal and submit their queries and grievances online through iGRAM for immediate settlement. The concerned of us will be informed about the action taken and settlement of their queries/grievances on their registered e-mail IDs within the shortest possible time.

What are the general quires of IGNOU help line no.?

IGNOU Helpline Number for General Enquiry

IGNOU Helpline for Exam Enquiries:           Phone No:- 011-29535438, 011-29536743, 011-29536103/6743

Intercom No:- 2224, 220, 2210/2212

IGNOU Helpline for General Enquiries:       011-29571000 (EPABX 30 Lines)

IGNOU Student Support Services Centre :    PH: 011-29535714,

Fax-29533129 (Fax)

IGNOU Material Production and Distribution Division :      PH: 011-29534521;

Fax: 29535083

IGNOU Regional Services Division : PH: 011-29532072, 29534492

IGNOU Student Registration Division :        PH: 011-29532741

Fax: 29532686

IGNOU Student Evaluation Division :           PH: 011-29535828, 29535438, 29536743, 29536405, 29535438;

Fax: 29534429

IGNOU Electronic Media Production Centre :          011-29533079,

Fax: 29534299

IGNOU Computer Division : 011-29533723, 29571913

Fax: 29533076

IGNOU Security Helpline (24 Hrs) : 09968650003, 011-29535935

IGNOU Registrar’s Secretariat

Contact No.

Phone No: 011-29535828/2482

Intercom No. 2204/2205

FAX No.011-29534429


IGNOU Establishment Section

Contact No.     Issues  related to:

Phone No: 011-29536215

Intercom No. 1315/1322

E-mail:            1) RTI

2) Tender/Contract

3) Parliament Questions

4) Public Grievances referred by MHRD

5) Bills and claims

6) Stationery

7) Despatch Section

IGNOU Examination – I

Contact No.     Issues  related to: 

Phone No: 011-29535438

Intercom No. 2224      1) Issue of  Degree/Diploma certificate

2) Despatch of returned Degrees

3) Verification of Degrees

IGNOU Examination – II

Contact No.     Issues  related to: 

Phone No: 011-29536743

Intercom No. 2202

E-mail:seemagoswami@ignou.ac.in 1) Issue of Provisional Certificates and Grade Cards

2) issue of duplicate hall tickets

3) addition and delition of course(s) in the hall ticket

4) non receipt of hall tickets for term end examination

5) change of examination centre

IGNOU Examination – III

Contact No.     Issues  related to: 

Phone No: 011-29536103/6743

Intercom No. 2210/2212

E-mail: kramesh@ignou.ac.in           

1) Declaration of pending results of TEE

2) incorporation of practical marks

3) Verification of provisional certificate and grade card

4) Issue of transcripts

IGNOU Assignment Section Helpline

Contact No.     Issues  related to:

Intercom No. 1312/1319/1325

E-mail: assignment@ignou.ac.in       non-incorporation of assignment marks

IGNOU  Online Student Grievance Cell Helpline Number

Email ID         Issues  related to: 

E-mail:sedgrievance@ignou.ac.in     Online students grievances

IGNOU  Front Office (May I help you)

Contact No.     Issues  related to:

Phone No:011-29572218

011-29571000 (30 Lines)

Intercom No. 2218      Students’ General Enquiries

 IGNOU Project Cell Helpline

Contact No.     Issues related to:

Phone No: Intercom No. 1320/1321

E-mail: projects@ignou.ac.in ;           Status of Project Reports of all Programmes

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