
IGNOU Advanced Certificate in Power Distribution Management (ACPDM) Course | School of Engineering & Technology (SOET)

As a part of the national strategy evolved to address and concern of human resource development, this specially designed programme provides opportunity of capacity building in power sector; it is targeted to provide training to the participants of power distribution utilities /companies, engineers and learners of electricity sector. The Advanced Certificate in Power Distribution Management has been formed by the School of Engineering and Technology, IGNOU in collaboration with the Ministry of Power for professionals engaged in electrical power utilities or the electricity sector to upgrade their skills, enhance systemic performance and show commercially viable electricity distribution system that deliver quality power to the satisfaction of the beneficiaries.

This programme addresses the general concerns and issues in the electricity distribution sector, including awareness and exchanges good practices amongst the stakeholders in the power industry. You are a stakeholder in the power industry, both as a consumer and as an employee or you may be aspiring to take up a job in the electrical industry. Therefore, you would surely welcome this opportunity of capacity building through a specially designed training programme.


The objectives of this programme are to:

  • Disseminate information about the current developments and reforms in
    the power distribution sector,
  • Generate awareness about the applications of emerging technologies and
    trends in the sector, and
  • Educate about various aspects
    of power distribution management to the personnel in the power
    sector/ candidates aspiring
    to take up a job in the electrical industry.

Eligibility: Engineering graduate/Engineering Diploma Holders  


Science/Commerce/ Arts Graduates or equivalent with 2 years experience in power utilities or the electricity sector

Medium of Instruction: English

Duration: Minimum 6 months and Maximum 2 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.

Fee Structure: Rs.5,400/- for full programme

Programme Details:

Course Code Title of the Course Credits
BEE 1 Power Distribution
BEE 2 Energy Management
and IT Applications
BEE 3 Management of
Power Distribution
Total Credits 16

Now you are provided with all the information regarding Advanced Certificate in Power Distribution Management (ACPDM) . We hope the aforementioned article helps you. If you want any assistance related to this course like Solved Assignments, Projects, Help Books, Previous Paper Solutions, Guess Paper, drop your queries below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


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