IGNOU Jodhpur
Where is IGNOU Jodhpur Regional Center?
The IGNOU JodhpurRegional Center is in Rajasthanthe center full address is IGNOU, REGIONAL CENTRE,JODHPUR,439, OPPOSITE KAMLA NAGAR HOSPITAL, PAL LINK ROAD, JODHPUR – 342008 (RAJASTHAN).
What is the contact no. of IGNOU JodhpurRegional Center?
. The contact no. of IGNOU JodhpurRegional Center is Phone: 0291-2751424,MOBILE NO. 9414036579,
What is the email id of the Jodhpur Regional Center?
The JodhpurRegional Center email id is email: rcjodhpur@ignou.ac.in, Website : rcjodhpur@ignou.ac.in
What is the timing of the Jodhpur Regional Center?
We can visit at the IGNOU JodhpurRegional Center Monday to Friday 9:30 AM to 6 PM. Lunch Time:1:30 to 2:00 PM and Saturday Sunday will remain close.
Which kinds of activities provide by Jodhpur Regional Center?
. Main Activities performed at Jodhpur Regional Centre are
Pre-admission counseling to the aspiring learners
Admission Activities (January & July Session)
Online Admission Facility
Study Material (SIM) Distribution
Conduct of Induction Meetings
Participation in State & National educational fairs.
Publicity and promotional activities
Establishment of Learner Support Centres as per need and demand.
Conduct of Viva-voce for BCA/MCA/MAPC/MA (Edu).
Conduct of Term End Examinations/Practical Examinations in the month of June & December
Organizing Convocation function at the State level
Collecting the assignments of resubmission and getting them evaluated
Monitoring of counseling reports
Conduct of Orientation Programmes
Conduct of Practical Examination.
Job fair and placement
Promotional activity specially at tribal, remote & rural areas.
Scholarship & fees reimbursement thought Direct Benifit Scheme
Free education for Jail inmates.