IGNOU Kolkata Courses

How many courses are available in the Non-Credit Programmes?

Non-Credit Programmes

Certificate in Motor Cycle Service and Repair (CMSR)

Foundation Course on Education of Children with Disabilities (FCED)

How many courses are available in the Certificate programme?

Here is the list of the Certificate courses

Certificate in Consumer Protection (CCP)

Certificate in Disaster Management (CDM)

Certificate in Early Childhood Special Education (Mental Retardation) (CESE(MR))

Certificate in Environmental Studies (CES)

Certificate in Food and Nutrition (CFN)

Certificate in Food Safety (CFS)

Certificate in Guidance (CIG)

Certificate in Health Care Waste Management (CHCWM)

Certificate in HIV and Family Education (CAFE)

Certificate in Information Technology (CIT)

Certificate in Maternal and Child Health Care (CMCHC)

Certificate in Newborn and Infant Care (CNIC)

Certificate in NGO Management (CNGOM)

Certificate in Nutrition and Childcare (CNCC)

Certificate in Organic Farming (COF)

Certificate in Performing Arts – Hindustani Music (CPAHM)

Certificate in Performing Arts – Kathak (CPAKT)

Certificate in Performing Arts – Manipuri (CPAMP)

Certificate In Performing Arts -Theatre Arts (CPATHA)

Certificate in Tourism Studies (CTS)

Certificate in Visual Arts – Applied Arts (CVAA)

Certificate in Visual Arts – Painting (CVAP)

Certificate in Women’s Empowerment and Development (CWED)

Certificate of Competency in Power Distribution (CCPD)

Certificate Programme in Functional English (Basic level) (CFE)

Certificate Programme in Laboratory Techniques (CPLT)

Certificate Programme in Rural Development (CRD)

Which Diploma courses provide by IGNOU University?

 Here is the Diploma Courses list.

Diploma in Creative Writing in English (DCE)

Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education (DECE)

Diploma in HIV and Family Education (DAFE)

Diploma in Management (DIM)

Diploma in Meat Technology (DMT)

Diploma in Nursing Administration (DNA)

Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education (DNHE)

Diploma in Tourism Studies (DTS)

Diploma in Value Added Products from Fruits and Vegetables (DVAPFV)

Diploma in Women’s Empowerment & Development (DWED)

How many courses provide by IGNOU University in Bachelor's Degree?

These are the following courses provide by the IGNOU University.

Bachelor’s Degree

Bachelor of Arts (Tourism Studies) (BTS)

Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)

Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)

Bachelor of English (BA)

Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLIS)

Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)

Bachelor Preparatory Programme (BPP)

BSc (Hons) in Optometry & Ophthalmic Techniques (BSCHOT)

BSc Nursing (Post Basic) (BScN(PB))

Course CodeTitle of the CourseCredits
ECO-1Business Organisation4
ECO-03Management Theory4
ECO-05Mercantile Law4
ECO-06Economic Theory4
ECO-07Elements of Statistics4
ECO-08Company Law4
ECO-09Money, Banking and Financial Institutions4
ECO-10Elements of Costing4
ECO-11Elements of Income Tax4
ECO-12Elements of Auditing4
ECO-13Business Environment4
Course CodeTitle of the CourseCredits
AFW-(E)Feature Writing4
AWR-(E)Writing for Radio4
AWR-(H)Radio Lekhan (Hindi)4
CTE-03Teaching Strategies4
CTE-04Teaching English (Elementary School)4
CTE-05Teaching English (Secondary School)4
AOM-1Office Organisation Management4
ASP-1Secretarial Practice4
AHE-1Human Environment6
AMT-01Teaching of Primary School Mathematics6
AMK-1Marketing -AMK-1 4
AED-1Export Procedures and Documentation4
ACC-1Organizing Childcare Services8
ANC-1Nutrition for the Community-ANC-18
ACS-1Consumer Studies- ACS- 18
Total Credits96

How many courses available in the PG and Advance Certificate?

PG and Advance Certificate

Advanced Certificate in Power Distribution Management (ACPDM)

Post-Graduate Certificate in Bangla-Hindi Translation (PGCBHT)

Post-Graduate Certificate in Endodontics (PGCE)

How many courses are available in the PG and Advance Diploma?

PG Diploma in Translation (PGDT)

Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management (PGDDM)

Post Graduate Diploma in International Business Operations (PGDIBO)

Post-Graduate Diploma in Adult Education: Participatory Adult Learning, Documentation and Information Networking (PGDAE)

Post-Graduate Diploma in Analytical Chemistry (PGDAC)

Post-Graduate Diploma in Audio Programme Production (PGDAPP)

Post-Graduate Diploma in Distance Education (PGDDE)

Post-Graduate Diploma in District Health Management (PGDDHM)

Post-Graduate Diploma in Education Technology (PGDET)

Post-Graduate Diploma in Environment and Sustainable Development (PGDESD)

Post-Graduate Diploma in Financial Management (PGDFM)

Post-Graduate Diploma in Food Safety and Quality Management (PGDFSQM)

Post-Graduate Diploma in Geriatric Medicine (PGDGM)

Post-Graduate Diploma in Higher Education (PGDHE)

Post-Graduate Diploma in Hospital and Health Management (PGDHHM)

Post-Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (PGDHRM)

Post-Graduate Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication (PGJMC)

Post-Graduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking (PGDLAN)

Post-Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDIM)

Post-Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management (PGDMM)

Post-Graduate Diploma in Maternal and Child Health (PGDMCH )

Post-Graduate Diploma in Operations Management (PGDOM)

Post-Graduate Diploma in Radio Programme Production (PGDRPP)

Post-Graduate Diploma in Rural Development (PGDRD)

Post-Graduate Diploma Programme in Acupuncture (PGDACP)

Name the courses available in the Master’s Degree?

 Here is the list of the courses Master’s Degree

Master of Arts (Economics) (MEC)

Master of Arts (English) (MEG)

Master of Arts (Hindi) (MHD)

Master of Arts (History) (MAH)

Master of Arts (Political Science) (MPS)

Master of Arts (Psychology) (MAPC)

Master of Arts (Public Administration) (MPA)

Master of Arts (Rural Development) (MARD)

Master of Arts (Sociology) (MSO)

Master of Arts (Tourism Management) (MTM)

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Master of Business Administration (Banking & Finance) (MBF)

Master of Commerce (MCom)

Master of Computer Applications (MCA)

Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS)