IGNOU Kollam
Is there is any IGNOU college in Kollam?
Yes, there is an IGNOU College in Kollam and the name of the college is Shree Narayana College Kollam.
What courses offers by the Shree Narayana College Kollam?
The college offers 17 undergraduate, 14 postgraduate and One P.G. Diploma Programmes. Eight of the Postgraduate Departments are approved research centres as well.
How we can contact no. of the Shree Narayana College Kollam?
The Shree Narayana College Kollam contact no. is 914742741793
What is the email id of the Shree Narayana College Kollam?
The email id of the Kollam knowledge is Email: snckollam@gmail.com, info@sreenarayanacollegekollam
What is the address of the Kollam college?
The address of the Sree Narayana College, Kollam is Kollam-TVM Highway, Kollam, Kerala 691001