IGNOU PGDIDM Project (MNMP-11) i.e., Internet Research Project in Digital Media seeks to assist learners in three particular fields of rising ICT-enabled new media platforms – conceptual framework on digital media, online and digital journalism practises, and internet research approaches using big data analytics and data.
Furthermore, this IGNOU PGDIDM Project (MNMP-11) investigates the significance of digital media literacy in empowering processes. It intends to explore the interplay between digital media and society in the Indian setting, as well as the growth of social media, ICT for Development, and challenges of digital inequality.
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Writing Instructions for the IGNOU PGDIDM Project (MNMP-11)
This tutorial will guide you through the stages of creating an IGNOU PGDIDM Project Report in the proper format and style. Knowing how to create IGNOU PGDIDM reports will help you understand what you’re reading because most journal articles follow a similar format. When reading a journal article, consider the formats used and the reasons behind their choices. Not every article is faultless, so if you come across one that puzzles you, investigate why. The writers may not be providing sufficient specificity in this section; how can we make it more clear?
Guidelines for Writing the IGNOU PGDIDM Synopsis/Proposal (MNMP-11)
You have the option of submitting a proposal/synopsis to your supervisor. The methods outlined here will guide you through the composition of your IGNOU PGDIDM Synopsis.
1) The Project’s Title
The title of the project should make it obvious what it is and what it will entail. Its presentation should be succinct, precise, and to the point. It is recommended that you select a subject related to your field of work.
2) Requirements
Begin by summarising the subject, outlining the scope of the study, explaining its significance, and identifying essential terms.
3) You must cite the title.
The problem description should include an analysis and explanation of the topic’s relevance. To be more specific, this serves as the framework for the investigation. Evaluate the current literature to support the study’s topic selection and identify knowledge gaps.
4) Objectives
The Objectives of the Internet Research Project in Digital Media should make it apparent why you’re embarking on this trip. A topic will often have three to four aims. You may create objectives to focus your efforts instead. Think about the following: a made-up scenario: made-up scenario: You wish to do research on female kid dropouts in a remote area. You might look at the reasons that lead to the high dropout rate among persons from different socioeconomic backgrounds. As a consequence, such goals will assist in determining the scope of the research.
5) The Argument
The investigation has shown that the theory is the most plausible explanation for the existing condition of affairs. However, not all inquiries involve hypothesis testing (the majority of experiments do). You and your supervisor can decide on the type of research to do. You may choose to eliminate hypotheses totally from your analysis if your sample size is about 100 respondents.
6) Research Methodology
If your IGNOU PGDIDM Project needs fieldwork, you must first define the universe of the study. The phrase “universe” refers to the whole area or population sampled in a study. This will vary based on the geographical extent of the inquiry and the study unit. For example, if you are examining the characteristics of dwellings in a hamlet, your study’s universe will comprise all households. You will choose a universe place at random.
7) Sampling Methods
If your method is based on field research, you must select a population sample that is representative of the entire community. A sample is a depiction of a portion of the population as a whole. You may utilize random or clustered sampling techniques. Consult any textbook on fundamental statistics that you may have studied in preparation for Research Methods in Journalism and New Media Studies to have a better grasp of the various sample approaches.
8) Instruments for Data Collection
You should include the tools required to acquire data from a variety of sources. Because of the intrinsic complexity and diversity of social reality, any individual study will almost certainly demand the utilisation of a variety of methodologies.
9) Data Analysis
After scrutinizing and coding the raw data, statistical approaches can be used to analyze it. In your IGNOU PGDIDM synopsis, you must mention the approaches you propose to use.
10) Collections
Tables will include significant statistical data, such as percentages, means, medians, standard deviations, and correlation coefficients.
Tables will be properly numbered (e.g., Chapter I will have Tables 1.1, 1.2, and so on; Chapter 2 will have Tables 2.1, 2.2, and so on). A brief and effective table title should follow each table number. When a table relies on another source, acknowledge that source beneath it. Three paragraphs can help you understand the table: I summarise the parameter or issue, (ii) provide an interpretation, and (iii) emphasise significant findings-indications.
11) Chapter Structure
Use the chapter structure, also known as the chapter plan, to organize the IGNOU PGDIDM report. This practise will assist you in completing your dissertation quickly and coherently.
Guidelines for Writing the IGNOU PGDIDM Project/Dissertation (MNMP-11)
The IGNOU PGDIDM Project is organised as follows:
- The IGNOU PGDIDM project should be around 20,000 words in length (including the title page, acknowledgements, and bibliographic references). While statistical and documentary appendices such as questionnaires, surveys, interview schedules, and other data gathering items are allowed, they should be kept to a minimum.
- Dissertations should be typed or written in Word on A4 paper.
- The main body of the dissertation should be 1.5 lines wide and printed on one side of the page with one-inch margins, omitting bibliographic references.
- At the bottom-center, number the pages in ascending order.
- Spiral-bind the completed dissertation as well as the accepted dissertation proposal between two pieces of light plastic.
The following is how the dissertation content should be organised:
- On the dissertation’s cover page, include the title, the student’s name and enrollment number, the academic supervisor’s name, the degree programme for which the dissertation was prepared, the university’s name, and the month and year of submission.
- The title page should have the same information as the cover page, as well as the line “This IGNOU PGDIDM dissertation is presented in partial fulfilment of the criteria for the Master of Journalism and New Media Studies degree at Indira Gandhi National Open University” (month and year).
- A letter from the candidate’s Academic Supervisor confirming the dissertation’s originality and proposing that it be submitted to the examiner.
- A list of all chapters in the dissertation, as well as their corresponding sections and page numbers, should be included in the Table of Contents, as should page numbers for bibliographic references and any figures, tables, or maps.
- Acknowledgements: You may like to express your gratitude for any assistance received while writing your dissertation.
- The content is organised into chapters (usually three or four pages long with an Introduction and Conclusion), bibliographic references, and, if needed, appendices. Each chapter, bibliography, and appendix should begin on a separate page, however elements contained under significant headings may remain on the same page. The dissertation’s main text should be numbered sequentially. The bibliography should include a list of all books mentioned in the chapters, as well as any other relevant sources used throughout the dissertation’s production.
- Once the dissertation is done, the IGNOU MNMP-11 Dissertation Proposal must be approved by the Faculty Committee.
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