Working people and professionals who want to improve their managerial skills, abilities, and orientation set up the IGNOU MMPP-1 Project to get the training they need. Lifelong learning opportunities are what the IGNOU MMPP-1 Project wants to give its students in the areas of leadership, business skills, and professional competence. The IGNOU MMPP-1 Project is useful and meant to fill gaps in the corporate and business worlds.
This IGNOU MMPP-1 project (MBA) is worth two credits and takes about 180 hours of work to finish. IGNOU would like your MMPP-1 Project Report to be typed and bound so that they can read it. In order to write a good IGNOU MMPP-1 project report, you should write between 15000 and 20000 words (50–60 pages). You should keep this in mind when you choose a project theme for your IGNOU MBA project. The idea is that you should be able to say everything you want to say within this word limit.
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Planning to write an IGNOU MMPP-1 Synopsis (MBA)
You must include the following information in your IGNOU MMPP-1 synopsis:
1) Formulation of the problem and selection of a topic for the project
You might write down your enquiries and attempt to discern the project’s topic based on your area of interest. The topic of the project should relate to the study’s objective.
The project may fall under any of the business administration specialisations, depending on the study subjects. You can eventually pick a title for your IGNOU MBA project by identifying the element, location, and time period. It is vital to keep in mind that you should be familiar with the geographic area in which your topic will take place. It should be easily accessible to you. The title of the project should be as descriptive as possible. The study field should be micro/local in scope to allow for a rapid completion of the project. It is necessary to classify the problem for research. You can state the issue in general terms first and then narrow it down to specific operational details. As a result, two steps are involved in the process of creating a study topic:
- gaining a comprehensive grasp of the problem; and
- rephrasing it in operational/analytical terms.
Discussions with your supervisor and peer group,, as well as research into pertinent literature,, will support this strategy. Additionally, analysing other people’s work on the subject of project work will aid you in developing the project problem.
At the time of project identification, it is necessary to examine the availability of data and knowledge with related literature.
2) The aims of the study
The objectives of your project study should coincide with the requirements of your research inquiries. The statement of objectives outlines the approaches to employ and the data and information to gather.
The project should have no more than two to three objectives because it should be similar in workload to an optional course, limited in duration, and focused on a single target. In the IGNOU MMPP-1 Project Report, present the objectives succinctly and completely in their entirety.
3) Concerns with research
You should gear the research questions towards explaining the topic at hand. Several research questions have already been given as examples. You can make inquiries of the type ‘if, what, why, and how’. The ‘why’ inquiry is essential if you seek to identify the determinants of an issue or to acquire an explanation in terms of cause-and-effect relationships. If you want to understand the mechanism that underpins any phenomena, ask your question with the term ‘how.’
You should include no more than two or three questions in your IGNOU MMPP-1 synopsis.
4) Any theories that have been developed
Keep in mind that the hypothesis does not need to be explicitly mentioned in the IGNOU MMPP-1 proposal. A hypothesis is a tentative explanation for the cause-and-effect connection between two or more variables. In exploratory or descriptive research, one should not formulate hypotheses. When developing a hypothesis, ensure that it is consistent with your research questions. When formulating the hypothesis, it should have no more than two components.
5) Research Methodology
The methodology section of your IGNOU MMPP-1 proposal should detail how the study will be conducted. To begin, you must establish the variables for which you will need information/data in order to perform the study. This should be based on your objectives and research questions. The final step is to designate the source of the required data/information. Secondary data sources include the websites of a variety of data gathering organisations, including the NSSO, the Registrar of Census, several Directorates of Statistics, and the Planning Division. If secondary sources do not meet your data requirements, you may conduct a small sample survey using a questionnaire or another data collection tool.
Keeping in mind your time limits and the scope of your research, try to keep your sample size for data collection to no more than 100 observations (units).
During the investigation, you will use specific techniques to analyze the information or data gathered.
In summary, your IGNOU MMPP-1 proposal must include the following information under the title Research Methodology: the data sources to be used, the method of data collection, the sample size, the equipment for data collection, and the analytic technique.
6) Expected Outcomes
You must summarise the predicted consequence of your study in two to three words at the conclusion of your IGNOU MMPP-1 Synopsis.
Planning to write an IGNOU MMPP-1 Project Report (MBA)
The two most crucial components of any project are originality and clarity. You can use anti-plagiarism software to check the uniqueness of your project report. Keep in mind that your IGNOU MMPP-1 Project Report will evaluate your analytical and communication skills. This kind of writing is not just for expressing your feelings or building a story. Additionally, it is a form of thinking-organization practice. Therefore, keep the following points in mind while you write your IGNOU MMPP-1 project report:
- The project’s subject determines the length of the IGNOU MMPP-1 Project Report. One should prepare the IGNOU MMPP-1 Report with a length of between 15000 and 2000 words and not more than 60 pages, typed in one-and-a-half spacing.
- You should divide your IGNOU MMPP-1 report into approximately four to five chapters. Sections and subsections divide each chapter. This helps your project maintain consistency and prevents different ideas from pouring into various regions.
- It is crucial to write an introduction since it creates a point of entry for your project. After that, you should state specific objectives and targets.
- To a certain extent, the strength of your approach dictates the quality of your project. As a result, procedures should be clearly described. To be more exact, methodology refers to the theoretical perspectives and inquiry logic that guide research, (ii) data collection procedures, and (iii) data analysis tools or processes.
You should structure the IGNOU MMPP-1 Project Report as follows:
- Cover page: On the first page of the IGNOU MMPP-1 Dissertation, provide the title of the project, your name, address, the year, and your enrollment number. (as described in annexure B to this handbook)
- On the second page, the contents of the IGNOU MMPP-1 Dissertation should be listed, followed by a listing of tables, maps, and figures/illustrations on the third page.
- The fourth page is devoted to acknowledgments.
- The fifth page is for alphabetical listing of abbreviations.
- Beginning on the sixth page, you must present a summary of your project, including its strategy, objectives, research methodology, including a description of the tools or methodologies utilised for data collecting and analysis, and the study’s constraints. This will act as the introduction of an IGNOU MMPP-1 Report.
- The second chapter will serve as the project’s primary body.
- In the conclusion chapter, you will provide the findings of the study and, if appropriate, your suggestions.
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September 4, 2022To whom we to submit (ADDRESS) the MMPP-1 Project Report of MBA (BANKING AND FINANCE)-MBF.