IGNOU Projects

IGNOU MSCCFT Project Dissertation and MCFTP 2 Synopsis


An IGNOU MSCCFT Project Report Dissertation and MCFTP-2 Synopsis is a rigorous, formal, methodical, and often lengthy written speech that is typically prepared by a university doctoral or master’s degree applicant. The MCFTP 2 Course Dissertation is required for the M.Sc. in Counselling and Family Therapy at IGNOU. Candidates for the M.Sc. degree will complete an IGNOU MSCCFT Project, which will be a rigorous investigation of research questions related to the teaching, learning, and applied aspects of counselling and family therapy, as well as socio-emotional and behavioral problems.

The IGNOU MSCCFT Project is a technical work, a one-of-a-kind piece of research that presents an argument and is utilized to document and verify one’s thesis. What exactly do we mean by “thesis”? A thesis is a factual statement, such as a hypothesis, proposition, or guess. For example, a thesis could state that Process or Strategy X is more effective than Strategy Y, or that Strategy X provides a better means for achieving Task Y than any previously known method, and so on. You’ll notice that each study has a distinct thesis.

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The IGNOU MSCCFT Project discusses in detail how one develops a hypothesis (or, in some cases, disproves the assertion) and demonstrates other key outcomes. The dissertation is, indeed, a formal, formatted work that serves as a vehicle for articulating the point. It is a piece of work that will help you establish your identity as an independent researcher.

Thus, the IGNOU MSCCFT Project allows you to select a subject of interest and undertake your own research, enhancing your knowledge. We anticipate a well-structured, coherent, and well-presented piece of writing that demonstrates: — evidence of independent research using appropriate methodology; — evidence of primary or secondary reading; — evidence of your ability to situate the specific issue you have studied within larger debates by referencing relevant literature; — evidence of your ability to structure and support arguments.

Remember that all researchers are required to explain their findings; the MCFTP 2 dissertation teaches you how to interact with other researchers and scientists. As the final product, the dissertation report will demonstrate your data collection abilities, analytical abilities, ability to identify and apply appropriate methodologies, theoretical concepts and knowledge of relevant literature, and ability to integrate theoretical, empirical, and methodological material.

All of this appears to be exceedingly complicated and difficult. Is that right? Don’t be concerned; we will guide and assist you during this activity. So, where do we even begin? The dissertation work for the IGNOU MSCCFT Project should be organized chronologically according to the stages of the research process. These are detailed below.

The Important Steps in IGNOU MSCCFT Project Work

The steps involved in conducting research are as follows:

1) Selection of subject, field, theme, issue, and specific research problem:

This first stage may appear simple, but it is the most important because it involves the choice of a study subject. This is a crucial decision that deserves careful consideration. What factors should you consider when selecting a subject and/or topic for your IGNOU MCFTP 2 project? A multitude of variables must be considered while choosing a topic. Among these variables are the following:

  • The topic’s appropriateness
  • The significance of the issue
  • Your enthusiasm for the subject
  • The researchability of the topic
  • The availability of literature on the topic
  • Financial and other resources are at your disposal
  • The ability to collect data and complete the investigation within the time limits.

Obviously, you’d like to conduct research on a topic related to counselling and family therapy; in the context of developmental and other issues and concerns that affect individuals and families at different stages of life, such as interpersonal relationships, career, marriage, family and social influences, and so on. You can go a step further and look at issues like human development, family life cycle phases, the efficacy of a family therapy strategy or counselling process, the mental health domain, family connections, and the use of yoga in therapy, to name a few. The following are some examples of research projects that you, as a student, could do in this area:

  • Designs that rely on empirical research methodologies and materials, such as correlational and experimental designs.
  • Observational and/or descriptive research that addresses and supports theoretical problems.
  • Intervention studies that strive to shed intellectual light on the challenges of counseling and family therapy.
  • Observation and analysis of events, programs, methods, institutions, and individuals that contribute to current policy concerns.

After selecting the broad region or field, you can define the specific study challenge or research issue (within the broad area). How? Topics can come from a variety of places, such as a core course, readings and reviews of journals, books, and other references, your job, a conversation with your counselor(s), a discussion with a coworker, or a discussion with a fellow student. The more you read, the easier it will be to select a topic. Most importantly, select a topic that you can finish within the time limits of the course or program. You could, for example, work in the field of cognitive-behavioral family therapy. Within this broad field, you may investigate the decline in psychosomatic disorders among patients over a long period of time, which would be your unique research topic. The topic should be relevant to the field as well as interesting to you. Furthermore, given the time constraints, the study should be feasible. Students must complete the IGNOU MCFTP 2 Project as part of the M.Sc. (CFT) curriculum. You must finish it within the time limit. As a result, the MCFTP 2 dissertation topic you select should be such that your research can be completed concurrently with the rest of the course work in the second year. Last but not least, your IGNOU MSCCFT project topic must be authorized by your supervisor!

2) A broad examination of relevant literature to have a better understanding of the research problem:

To assess the level of theory and research generated in the field of study, i.e. to evaluate what is already known and what remains to be researched in the specific topic of study (you have identified), Examine the literature, which includes course materials, textbooks, current publications (in Counseling/Family Therapy/allied fields and disciplines), review articles, monographs, other works, papers, and bulletins, and the internet. This will give you significant insight into current research topics within the broad region you have chosen. Dialogue and conversations with the dissertation counsellor/guide (given to you by the programme in charge of the programme study centre to which you have been allocated) will help you understand the problem or issue better and frame the research questions.

What comes next after the topic has been chosen and the literature review has been completed? Continue reading to find out more.

3) Define the problem and its components by differentiating, defining, and categorizing them:

The design and refinement of a research question or topic that identifies and analyzes a knowledge gap in the relevant literature is necessary. This includes determining the parameters that must be studied in order to solve the problem, selecting the methodology to study the parameters, standardizing and testing the methodology’s suitability for the specific problem, and designing the experiment, field study, survey, or other required research tool/technique/method with the necessary statistical background. The next stage is to collect data after defining the various components.

4) Data and information gathering, as well as systematic data categorization, tabulation, presentation, analysis, and interpretation:

Tips for Gathering General Data for the MCFTP 2 Project

The most important aspect of your dissertation research is data collection. While the particular type of data to be collected varies by issue, there are certain broad recommendations to follow.

It is usually preferable to collect more data than is required. You may eventually discover that you are utilizing less than half of the data obtained. Each piece of knowledge obtained at this level, however, contributes to your domain competence. Don’t pass up data collection opportunities or put it off for another day. You may never get another chance like this again. Your sources, whether books, records, or people, may not always be easily accessible.

Analysis, Synthesis, and Interpretation of Data

As previously stated, we use a range of methodologies for analyzing quantitative and qualitative data. Statistical methodologies have made major contributions to quantitative or numerical data gathering, organization, analysis, and interpretation.

Qualitative data, in the form of answers and narratives, is analyzed to research or identify intrinsic facts. These data are examined from as many angles as possible in attempt to uncover new truths or reinterpret already-known facts. Content analysis, inductive analysis, and logical analysis are the most commonly used strategies for analyzing qualitative data.

After you’ve analyzed the data, you can go on to interpret the results. Interpretation is merely a way of expressing what the data show. It is not a routine and mechanical technique; rather, it necessitates a cautious, reasonable, and critical evaluation of the data generated during analysis while taking into account the sample’s limits as well as the tools chosen and used in the study. Subjectivity is usually present, which the researcher should minimize when interpreting the findings. A co-rater or co-observer is occasionally used to help in data collection and analysis.

Given the interpretations of the results, you must exercise extreme caution when drawing inferences and generalizations. This final part of the IGNOU MSCCFT Project necessitates critical and logical thinking in summarizing the study’s findings and comparing them to the objectives and hypotheses (if any) established at the outset. The facts should be compatible with any generalizations drawn from the study findings.

You must be clear about how you intend to analyze the data while it is acquired, or, better yet, when conceptualizing and planning your research endeavor.

5) Using the data, create the IGNOU MSCCFT Project Report:

In our previous session, we summarized the procedure you will follow when carrying out your intended study activity. You must now adequately describe your research approach in a research proposal after choosing a study subject and developing a specific research question or collection of questions, as well as the appropriate techniques for collecting answers.

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