In order to create the IGNOU PGDEDS Project Report and the IGNOU MEDSP 007 Synopsis for the PG Diploma in Extension and Development Studies course, components from two project works and extended educational and development research were carefully combined. Both current extension and development professionals and recent graduates interested in pursuing jobs in this field may find the program beneficial. Under a modular approach, the diploma holder can additionally pursue an MA in Extension and Development Studies. The objectives of this educational program are as follows: to provide students with the professional skills they need to formulate, implement, monitor, and evaluate extension and development programs; to train and develop middle- and upper-level professionals for extension and development organizations; and to conduct impact assessment studies on extension and development issues and programs.
IGNOU PGDEDS Project Report and IGNOU MEDSP 007 Synopsis Research on extension and development is founded on a variety of data sources. Information will be more trustworthy if it comes from a source that is more credible. The kind of extension and development study will determine the kind of data that has to be gathered. Thus, you need to have a broad understanding of the types and sources of primary and secondary information in order to function as an extension and development specialist. The knowledge you have gained from the MEDS 005 and MEDS 006 theoretical papers could be useful in comprehending the concepts of “Research Methods in Extension and Development Studies” and “Planning and Management of Extension and Development Programs.”
This IGNOU PGDEDS Project Report and IGNOU MEDSP 007 Synopsis Work are designed to assist you in conducting an empirical research study using the survey method with a minimum of thirty samples. To learn more about research techniques in extension and development studies, go to the course materials for MEDS006 as well. A few things to consider when completing PGDEDS project work are:
- Employing primary and secondary data, conduct questionnaires
- PG Certificate in Development and Extension Studies Program
- At least thirty should be the sample size.
- When analyzing data, utilize the measures of central tendency and dispersion.
- Utilize tables, charts, and diagrams to analyze and comprehend the data.
pradeep kumar v
August 13, 2019Please send the guidance to submit the MEDSP04 : mMEDSP 07; MEDSP-017
Pradeep Kumar.V
IGNOU Project