Purpose of IGNOU MSWP 1 Project Work

The main purpose of IGNOU MSWP 1 Project Work is to make you more aware of the reality of social and human existence. Therefore. You will select a topic of interest for specialisation. This might be related to the field in which you are presently working, or it could be a whole other issue. We are certain that you have realised from the theoretical papers that the domains and concerns relating to social work are quite broad. Here, we’d like you to focus on a certain theme or issue in order to specialise.

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Guidelines for Preparation of IGNOU MSWP 1 Project Proposal

You can write a draft proposal and discuss it with your IGNOU-authorized study center supervisor. The procedures listed below will assist you in drafting the project proposal.

1) Project Title

The project’s title should properly define the type and nature of the endeavour. It should be concise, precise, and explicit.Topics should relate to your job.

2) Introduction

In the beginning, you can offer a description of the issue, a wide field of study, why the topic is significant, and explanation of key terms.

3) Problem Statement

The problem statement should include a brief examination of the problem as well as its significance. To be more specific, this is a reason for discontinuing the investigation. Evaluate existing literature and identify gaps to offer a rationale for selecting a certain area of investigation.

4) Goals

The objectives of the proposed IGNOU MSWP 1 Project Work should explain your purpose for carrying out this project. Typically, a topic has three to four aims. You can state these goals in a sequential order, allowing you to focus your strategy. For example, suppose you wish to investigate the issue of dropout among girls in a remote region. You might want to investigate the causes of high dropout rates among people at various socioeconomic levels. As a result, such objectives will define the scope of the research.

5) Hypothesis

The hypothesis is the most likely solution to the issue you have tackled, and the project examines the hypothesis. But not all research involve hypothesis testing (most experiment-based studies contain hypotheses). You can talk to your supervisor about the sort of research you wish to do.

You may even eliminate hypotheses for your study because you will just conduct a modest poll of 50 to 75 people.

6) The Research Universe

If the IGNOU MSWP 1 Project Work requires fieldwork, you must determine the scope of the research. The whole region or population studied defines the universe. The research’s geographical scope and study unit will determine this. For example, if you are examining the features of homes in a village, then all of the households will form the universe of tile studs’. You will take a sample from this universe.

7) Example

If your IGNOU MSWP 1 Project Work is based on field work, you must select a sample from the universe. A sample is representative of the entire population.

You can accomplish sampling in a variety of ways, including random sampling, cluster sampling, and so on.

To learn more about the various forms of sampling, please refer to any standard statistics book that you may have read while studying for the exam. Research Methods is a subfield in social work.

8) Data Collection Instruments

You should specify the tools you want to use to acquire data from multiple sources. Social reality is always complex, hence a study may require multiple instruments.

9) Data Analysis

Before data analysis using statistical methods can begin, we must examine and code the raw data. It is preferable if the approaches you propose to employ are specified in the proposal.

10) Tables

Tables will include essential statistical computations such as percentage, mean, median, standard deviation, co-relation, and so on.

Tables shall have correct numbers (i.e., Chapter I will have Table 1.1, Table 1.2, etc.; Chapter 2 will include Table 2.1, Table 2.2, etc.).The table title will come after the table number and should be as succinct as possible while still clearly stating the information in the table. Note underneath the table if you like a table from another source. You can present the table interpretation in three paragraphs: (i) an introduction to the parameter or issue, (ii) a discussion of the parameter or topic, and (iii) a conclusion. (ii) interpretation; (iii) key findings and indications

11) Chapter Plan

A chapter plan, also known as chapterization, would provide a rough outline for drafting the report. This activity will assist you in finishing your dissertation easily and methodically.

12) Report Writing

You must follow the criteria below while writing a report.

Make a chapter plan. Each chapter should be around the same length. It should not be the case, for example, that one chapter is 15 pages long and another is 40 pages long. The optimal chapter length should be between 15 and 20 pages.

Each chapter will include: — Chapter number — Chapter title — Introduction — Main titles, subtitles, and sub-sub titles — Conclusions — Suitable references — Graphics/illustrations, etc. — Well presented with proper layout.

  • Do not cram too many tables into your chapters. A chapter may have 3 to 6 tables.
  • Every chapter does not require tables.
  • Only provide the most essential sections in tabular style.
  • You can present the remainder of the findings in narrative style.

Writing Tips for IGNOU MSWP 1 Project Work

  • The dissertation should be typed (ideally computer-typed) in A-4 size (29 x 20 cm) paper in double space with 12 fonts.
  • Before binding, show your final document to your supervisor.
  • You must read the written version and rectify any typos; page numbers must be provided, and relevant pictures must be inserted in the proper pages and chapters.
  • While having the copies bound, you should provide a copy of the approved project proposal.
  • A declaration from you that the work is original and has not been submitted to IGNOU or any other university or institution must also be included in your dissertation to meet the criteria of the course in hand.
  • Attach a certificate from your supervisor attesting to the fact that the project work was completed under his/her supervision and that it is authentic and unique work (see copy in the annexure).
  • The Horst page should have your name, enrollment number, complete address, supervisor’s name, and so forth (format at annexure).
  • It is not permissible to use loose or spiral binding.
  • Proper binding should be done with a hard cover page in a light red colour (the official colour of the School of Social Work).
  • Two copies of the project report must be prepared: one for IGNOU and one for you to keep as your personal copy.
  • One copy must be mailed or delivered in person to: The Registrar Student Evaluation Division, Maidan Garhi, IGNOU, New Delhi-110068.

Where can you find perfect IGNOU MSWP 1 Project Topics?

When looking for IGNOU MSWP 1 Project Topics, it may be beneficial to utilise a few tried-and-true techniques (which are also applicable in many other situations):

  • Skim over your study materials (e.g., handbooks, course notes) – this is information you have already studied, but reading over it may assist you to methodically picture all studied subjects or subtopics (these can suggest new ideas).
  • Brainstorming. Examine your knowledge base – chances are you have a few fascinating topics in mind that you’d like to learn more about.
  • Examine the names of published articles in social work journals, or better yet, read newsletters/highlights on journal websites. Alternatively, one may do a search on sites that aggregate field-related news from various publications. While certain articles/topics may be too detailed or particular, they nevertheless provide a wide range of options.
  • Look online for ready-made research subjects for a custom research paper — skimming through such lists can either overwhelm you with themes of sufficient complexity and scope/broadness or inspire you with fresh connected ideas (e.g. by combining elements from different topics).

Another option is to get research paper writing assistance from our experienced writers, who will handle all elements of the assignment, including the selection of an original and strong topic (obviously, you might be willing to confirm it, before proceeding with your writing IGNOU MSWP 1 Project Report).

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