The IGNOU MGPS Project (MGPE 17) is a component of the Master of Arts in Gandhi and Peace Studies (MAGPS) program at IGNOU. The IGNOU MGPS Project aims to help students develop skills in topic selection, writing a synopsis, data collection, and creating a project report on a specific issue. It can also help students broaden their horizons for future research, training, and employment prospects in fields such as economic, social, gender, political, environmental, and sustainable development.

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What is the process for submitting the project proposal in MGPS?

Here’s how to submit a project proposal in MGPS:

  1. Log in to BIRAC
  2. Click on the program or scheme you want to apply for
  3. Click here to Submit a new proposal or a pending or submitted proposal
  4. Click the heading that appears in the top bar, such as Click here to Submit New Proposal under CALL TITLE
  5. Click Final Submit to submit the proposal

The proposal should include the following elements:

  • Title, introduction, objectives, problem statement, research methodology, limitations, and references
  • You should also submit a pre-proposal, or project idea, for consideration before submitting the detailed proposal to the university. The university will then provide comments on the pre-proposal.
  • Clearly state scientific and technical details to avoid using generalities.

Sample Topics for IGNOU MGPS Project

  • A Study of Human Rights Violation in Police Custody: A Case Study of State Delhi
  • Human Rights Violation against Women in Delhi
  • Role of Non-Government Organizations (NGOS) In Educating and Empowering Women
  • Role of Communication for the Development of Rural Women with Special Reference to Self-Help Group
  • A Study on Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) and Its Impact on Rural Livelihoods
  • A Study On The Role Of The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act On Women Empowerment.

IGNOU MGPS Project Report Format (MGPE 17)

You should organize the report in the following manner:

  • Title: The title page of the report should include the course code for the project, MGPE 17, the project’s title, the student’s name, enrolment number, address, school name, and year.
  • Approval of the Project Proposal Proforma (as second page)
  • Originality Certificate: Signed by the student and supervisor.
  • Table of Contents:
  • Introduction: This section will introduce the issue. It should be able to communicate to the reader the nature of the issue, how it came to be, and what inspired the researcher to investigate the subject. The introduction must describe the research’s objectives and reasons.
  • Review of related literature: A review of related literature is a compilation of prior researchers’ work that has been published in books, journals, and articles. It contributes to the formation of ideas and the formulation of critical research topics.
  • Research Methodology: The methodology section contains information about the sample, tests/tools, and statistical analysis. The selected topic will determine the sample size and composition. The tests/tools used should be selected in accordance with the study’s goals. The results of the tests/tools are then analyses using appropriate statistical techniques.
  • Discussions & Results: The study’s conclusions are given in tabular and graphical format following statistical analysis of the data. These are then compared to prior study findings. The consequences of the results are also discussed.
  • Conclusions: The student must summarise the study’s findings under this heading.
  • Delimitations: This section covers the restrictions and limitations of the research.
  • Suggestions for Additional Work: Based on the study findings, the learner may provide recommendations for additional research in the relevant topic.
  • Bibliography (APA format): Bibliographies must be in the APA format. These should be alphabetized.
  • Appendices: A timetable for interviews and a questionnaire will be used for research purposes.
  • The Supervisor may submit the bill for Project Guidance together with the IGNOU MGPS Project Report for assessment. It should be accompanied by a cover letter indicating that the project is being submitted.

How do you find a supervisor for your IGNOU MGPS Project?

Here are some tips for finding a supervisor for your MGPS project:

Look for a good fit

Consider how your research interests and experience align with the faculty member’s.

Research the supervisor

Consider their publications, biographies, research interests, and other academic activities. Additionally, take into account the individuals they have overseen, the grants they have received, and their potential commitments to other undertakings.

Consider their expertise

Choose someone who is an expert in your subject area.

Look for a good mentoring style

Ask the supervisor about their mentoring style and if it matches your learning style.

Consider personality traits

Look for a supervisor who is supportive, approachable, and has good communication skills.

Here are some other ways to find a supervisor:

  • Browse the academic staff section of a university department’s website
  • Speak to academics at your current or previous university
  • Check who has been prolific in your research area
  • Use scientific databases

When emailing a potential supervisor, you can: Use a clear subject line; Address them, introduce yourself and state your intentions. Attach supporting information, and Keep it brief.

Is there any specific software or tools you should use for your IGNOU MGPS Project analysis?

IGNOU project analysis can use SPSS software for statistics analysis, according to ignouproject.com. Other tools and techniques that can be used for project analysis include statistical analysis, content analysis, thematic analysis, and discourse analysis.

Students can use the latest versions of software packages to develop their projects.

Here are some other tips for IGNOU project analysis:

  • Data collection: Use secondary sources like the website of data collection agencies, the Registrar of Census, or various directorates of statistics and the Planning Division.
  • Data handling and analysis: organize and analyze data.
  • Methodology section: Make sure it’s clear, concise, and easily understandable by the reader.
  • Supervisor: Find a supervisor who is an active professional in the specific area that you choose.

Can you include primary data collection in your IGNOU MGPS project?

Primary data collection is indeed permissible for IGNOU projects. Primary data collection and analysis can, in fact, enrich research. It is imperative to secure the requisite authorizations prior to data collection, particularly when dealing with minors, and to adhere to ethical principles throughout the research methodology.

Here are some tips for using primary data in your IGNOU project:

  • The topic should be original and not a replication of any previous project report.
  • Use both primary and secondary sources of information to gather data and information.
  • Use appropriate tools and techniques to analyze the data collected.
  • Data should be relevant to examine the issues raised and to test the hypothesis, if any, formulated in the project proposal.
  • Identify the variables for which data is needed.
  • Find out what kind of data pertaining to the topic of your project is available and to what extent it would be suitable for your project work.

Can you use your workplace as a case study for your IGNOU MGPS Project?

Your place of employment may indeed serve as a case study for a project. Although case studies typically center on a client or customer, they may also pertain to your organization. Ideal usage is when the subject is frequently associated with your company and product in a positive light. One may implement case studies during the initial phases of a procedure. For instance, a business that is implementing comparable strategies to another can acquire knowledge and information from that business and previous cases. Case studies are an effective tool for showcasing one’s expertise, narrating a compelling story, and providing invaluable insights for subsequent marketing endeavors. Additionally, you can show potential clients the value of your product, service, or organization through the use of case studies.

Here are some tips for writing a case study:

  • Define exactly who your case study will be designed to help
  • Conduct research and compile data
  • Choose the right format
  • Show that your approach is unique from your peers
  • Squeeze in what you can with the time frame given
  • Show your employer the value of that work and how it affected the outcome

You can repurpose content from the case study to use in other mediums, like social media, maximizing the reach of the case study.

Important Points during writing an IGNOU MGPS Project Report (MGPE 17)

  1. English is the project’s working language.
  2. The hardbound project report should be presented in its original format, in A-4 size (29 x 20 cm), written in Double line space.
  3. On the top of the envelope, write “PROJECT REPORT-MGPE 17.” This will simplify the process of sorting through the Project Reports received in the Project Section for various Programs.
  4. Students should always have a copy of the Project Report with them. The evaluated Project Report will not be returned to the student.

How is the IGNOU MGPS project evaluated?

The Master of Arts in Gandhi and Peace Studies (MGPS) program at IGNOU is evaluated based on research findings and the student’s understanding and skills in the field. The project report is worth 150 marks, while the viva-voce is worth 50 marks, and students must score at least 50% to pass. The project work is worth 100 marks, and 70% of that is given for the project report. The term-end examination is the major component of the evaluation system, and it carries 70% weightage in the final result.

IGNOU conducts the term-end exam twice a year, in June and December. Students can take the exam after completing the course, or they can take it in December or June of the following years. If a student fails to get a pass score in the term-end examination, they can reappear at the next term-end examination for that course.

Students can submit their project report in hardcopy or online, along with a receipt of the fee paid. The supervisor may submit the bill for project guidance along with the project report and a cover letter indicating that the project is being submitted.

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