IGNOU CES Project (PES-1) is a four-credit project that will expose you to new experiences and aid you in learning by experience. The IGNOU CES Project (PES-1) Guidelines will aid you in gaining not just academic knowledge, but also the ability to appraise environmental and occupational health challenges, programmes, and initiatives. Additionally, the IGNOU CES Project Work Guidelines will act as a reference, outlining how to design an IGNOU CES Synopsis, conduct the study, produce the IGNOU CES Report, and submit it for evaluation.
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Guidelines for IGNOU CES Synopsis Proposal (PES-1)
1. When choosing a topic, keep the following points in mind:
- The subject is appropriate.
- The topic’s significance to issues about environmental and occupational health.
- Time that is readily available to you.
- Possibility of data collection at a given time period.
- The inherent obstacles of data collection and how to overcome them.
- Costs of data collection.
- It’s necessary to be able to communicate and know how to use the local language.
An IGNOU PES-1 A project proposal must contain the following components: title, introduction, objectives, problem statement, research methodology (including the location, sample size, instruments, and statistical techniques to be used), limitations, if any, and references.
2. Consult with your supervisor for aid in narrowing down the subject
The following persons are competent to act as supervisors for the IGNOU CES project:
- Faculty members based at the headquarters.
- Academic counselors with a postgraduate certificate in environmental and occupational health and relevant experience.
- Educators/Researchers specialising in Sustainable Development.
- Ph.D. in environmental science/study, economics, sociology, anthropology, or a closely related discipline.
- A master’s or doctorate degree in environmental science/study, economics, sociology, anthropology, or another closely related field, as well as at least two years of research or teaching experience.
The student will receive notification and instructions to resubmit the request with a different supervisor if the School of Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Studies finds the proposed supervisor to be unacceptable. So, the student has to send in the IGNOU CES proposal again, this time with the new supervisor’s signature, because it is a new application. Similarly, if a student decides to change supervisors for whatever reason, they must submit the IGNOU CES Synopsis together with the new supervisor’s signature on a new project proposal proforma, as this will be considered a new submission.
Academic advisors ought to provide comprehensive details regarding the courses they are advising on, including the course titles, durations, and the name and designation of the study center where they have been assigned. The university will offer a modest salary of Rs. 300 to the project supervisor for counselling the student (the payment may be revised from time to time).
Responsibilities as a Supervisor
- To provide instructions on selecting a topic that is highly specific.
- To encourage students to read books, newspapers, and periodicals; and to speak with specialists in their fields in order to gain knowledge about a variety of topics of interest.
- To provide information on the conditions under which you can collect the project’s empirical data (if necessary).
- To provide information about important publications.
- To motivate pupils on a regular basis and to support them as needed.
- Encourage learners to work individually and methodically, without copying or replicating.
- Issue a letter of authorization to them, granting them permission to gather data for their research (the appropriate study center or regional center may also issue the authorization letter).
3. Submission and Approval of an IGNOU PES-1 Synopsis for an IGNOU CES Project
- Students should submit the Project Proposal Proforma, one copy of the supervisor-signed Project Proposal, and the supervisor’s bio to the Coordinator (CES), IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068 for approval after choosing a supervisor and selecting a topic.
- Students admitted to the January session are asked to submit the IGNOU CES Synopsis by April 30; those admitted to the July session are advised to submit projects by October 31 to guarantee timely approval and completion of the programme.
- Students who miss these dates may submit an IGNOU CES Project Proposal for approval at any time throughout the academic year.
4. Communication of Approval
Within six weeks of the proposal’s receipt at the School, the student will get a formal notification on the project’s acceptance or rejection through email and normal mail.
5. Request for Resubmission of IGNOU PES-1 Project Synopsis
The student will receive comments or suggestions on how to improve the project if the idea is rejected. In this case, you should submit the modified project proposal along with the revised project proposal proforma and a copy of the rejected project proposal, as well as the project proposal proforma that includes the evaluator’s opinions and the assigned P.P. No.
Guidelines for IGNOU CES Project Report (PES-1)
1. Conceptualization
The report’s length should be roughly 40 to 50 double-spaced written pages with a maximum word count of approximately 10,000 words (excluding appendices and exhibits). However, IGNOU permits a 10% deviation on each side.
Each project report needs these sections: title, introduction, objectives, problem statement, research methodology (including the locality, sample, instruments, and statistical techniques to be utilised), results and discussion, summary, and any limitations.
Additionally, the IGNOU CES Project Report should include the following:
- A copy of the project proposal proforma and the approved project proposal.
- An originality certificate signed by both the student and the supervisor.
2. IGNOU CES Project Report Submission
Send one typed project report to IGNOU’s Registrar (Students Evaluation Division), Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068. Upon submission of the project report, a P.R. No. will be allocated and thereafter communicated to the student. When communicating with the Student Evaluation Division on the project report, the student should reference this P.R.No.
You may file a project report at any time during the year. If a project report is filed between the 1st of December and the 31st of May, the outcome will be announced concurrently with the June term-end examinations. If a project report is submitted between June 1 and November 30, the outcome will be announced in conjunction with the December term-end exams.
Suggested List of IGNOU CES Project Topics
To aid you in deciding on a topic for your Project Work, we’ve offered a list of potential topics below. This is not to mean you must adhere to these topics. These are only some topics to pique your curiosity and aid you in refining your search for a topic of interest.
- Water Pollution Monitoring and Management in Your Neighborhood
- Air Pollution Monitoring and Management in Your Neighborhood
- Survey and Management of Soil Pollution in Your Area
- Electronic Waste in India: A Survey and Management Report on India’s recent natural catastrophes
- Toxicants from the Environment in Food Study.
- Environmental Toxicants Investigations.
- Analyses of Environmental Impacts in your region.
- Study on Sustainably Managed Agricultural Practices.
- Industrial pollution survey in any Indian town or city.
- A Study of Infectious Hazards in Health Care Settings
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