IGNOU Projects

How to do IGNOU MTTM Project (MTTM 16)?

Planning to write IGNOU MTTM Project (MTTM 16)

If you are planning to write IGNOU MTTM Project (MTTM 16) then you must therefore go through our article carefully. This Article not only familiarises you with the procedures and rules for completing the IGNOU MTTM Project (MTTM 16), but also provides guidance on how to proceed. It begins with a review of the nature of tourism project and then details the procedures involved in completing the IGNOU MTTM Project (MTTM 16) Work.

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One receives a variety of replies from students regarding the IGNOU MTTM project (MTTM 16) work. Some students experience panic, some have apprehensions, while others view it as a challenge and work diligently on it. Please keep in mind that this course does not require you to undertake a significant research project. Indeed, we are striving to advance you a few steps above what you may have done previously in school or at the undergraduate level (remember the teacher having asked you to do a project in school; as BTS students you did three projects; while doing a Diploma in Hotel Management you did projects and so on).

The purpose of this course (MTTM-16) is to improve your research skills, to provide a practical grasp of the tourist system, and to provide field experience, among other things. This will assist you with developing managerial capacities or in establishing yourself as a researcher or activist concerned with the development of sustainable tourism. Naturally, this will vary depending on the topic of your IGNOU MTTM 16 Dissertation.

Nature of Tourism Project (Master of Tourism and Travel Management) Work

You’re already aware of the tourist industry’s diversified nature and its long-term effects on the economy, society, culture, and environment. Whether it’s about planning and promoting sustainable tourism or managing a variety of tourist business operations, research is an important part of all of them. To understand the impact of tourism, for example, one must conduct research; to design a product, one must conduct market research, and so on. Tourism as a field is in the early stages of development, therefore study in this area must be multidisciplinary. A considerable amount of study findings are available in many industrialised countries and for select locations, and the same is true for several important industry segments. Tourism project research, on the other hand, is still fragmented and, in many cases, lacks direction.

Many countries use tourism as a political and economic tool, as well as a tool for image development. Tourism is influenced by international relations in a variety of ways. The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, for example, “totally transformed the tourism landscape of Central and Eastern Europe,” according to Francis Brown. Similarly, China’s loosening of travel restrictions and South Africa’s end of apartheid had an impact on international tourism.

Such political developments have an impact on tourist enterprises such as the development of new tourism products, the search for new tourism markets both inbound and outbound, the entry of multi-nationals into new tourism locations, and so on. It’s important to note that, in addition to the larger players or multi-nationals, the tourist industry is made up of a lot of little enterprises. These tiny enterprises must also be explored, with research data collected and analysed in order to comprehend tourism’s vast reach and influence.

At all levels – global, national, regional, local, and site-specific – the importance of tourist projects is progressively being recognised. However, research in poor nations is still lacking, which could be due to a variety of factors such as a lack of data, a lack of debate, a lack of financial resources, a lack of political will, or even a lack of knowledge of the potential and function of tourist projects, among others. These limits aren’t going to go away overnight. However, as tourism students, let us try to offer everything we can to the tourist initiative in our own way.

Nature of IGNOU MTTM Project (MTTM 16) Work

IGNOU offer this course, MTTM 16, as a mandatory dissertation component of the MTTM programme for students, keeping in mind the importance and role of research in tourism (planning, impacts, marketing and business operations, and so on). The fact that this component is worth 8 credits demonstrates its relevance in the programme. The Masters Program is designed to provide information and skills to those working in managerial or semi-managerial positions in the tourism industry, as well as entrepreneurs. Students should obtain an understanding of the tourism system by familiarising themselves with fields of tourism project and dissertation work. It would also give the students practical experience and exposure to real-world scenarios in this profession.

As a result, this course focuses on practical or field-oriented issues, and researching them will help you improve your talents in those areas. The preparation of a dissertation as a research project provides an opportunity to learn about the working techniques of the tourism sector and to comprehend tourism consequences. You are expected to apply everything you have learned about that particular theme during your course work into practise. It’s a means of applying what you’ve learned in class to real-world issues in tourism.

The dissertation is a type of preliminary research. An examination into a topic within a broad subject area that is mostly your own work and must be pursued by you throughout – from the inception of an idea/theme to the completion of the final report. Of course, your supervisor will assist you with the work.

The work you do for your dissertation is worth eight credits. This means you’ll need to put in around 240 hours of study time to do your project. The degree will be awarded if your dissertation is completed successfully. To successfully complete the degree, you must obtain a minimum of 40% of the marks (Grade D). IGNOU would prefer to receive your Dissertation Work typed and bound. Depending on the topic, the length of your dissertation work could range from 10,000 to 15000 words or more. When choosing a topic, keep both of these factors in mind (the number of hours you intend to spend studying and the length of your work).

How to write IGNOU MTTM Project (MTTM 16)?

Writing an IGNOU MTTM Project Synopsis Report is a specialised endeavour, and we’ll provide you some pointers in the areas below.


Clear writing is good writing. A good writer avoids jargon and slang and writes in straightforward English. If you can’t seem to finish a statement, break it down into its constituent concepts and start over with multiple basic sentences in its place. There is a beginning, a middle, and an end to it. The issue is introduced as briefly as feasible in a good start. An excellent conclusion summarises and finishes as briefly as possible. An excellent IGNOU MTTM Project (MTTM 16) is well-structured, easy to outline because it was prepared from scratch, avoids tangents, and avoids emotional language.

It is organised into well-defined sections and chapters. When the ideas are closely related, each section/chapter is constructed by the elaboration of one thought or by the elaboration of more than one notion. You should also notice that each paragraph builds on the one before it; that is, the ideas flow nicely. Give credit where credit is due if you quote from another source.

Finally, a solid IGNOU MTTM Project Synopsis Report is a straightforward piece of work. It is one that is devoid of puffery, waffling, padding, or attempts to fill the required number of pages with useless words. Say what you need to say and then shut up. You will not have any problems if you have done your study thoroughly. Learning how to write well requires self-discipline. You’ll figure out how to make every word count.

There are two theories about how to begin writing. According to one view, you should write anything you want as long as you start. You can revise later, according to the theory. The alternative school of thought advises you to write your first draught as well as you possibly can.

The method you take will be mainly determined by how you spent your time. If you haven’t percolated in a fruitful fashion, you’ll have to turn to the first strategy; your thoughts won’t be well-integrated enough to try the second. If, on the other hand, you’ve percolated effectively, you’ll be able to apply the second way; the material will be so deeply embedded in your mind that your sentences and paragraphs will naturally form.

At the end of each part, and again in your conclusion, all of your points should be neatly connected and logically culminated. Simultaneously, the linkages between the various portions should be explicitly preserved.

Format of IGNOU MTTM Report and sequence of materials

Your dissertation work should be typed or word-processed and should be between 10,000 and 15000 words long. Choose a readable typeface; Times New Roman is now the de facto norm. The bottom-centre of each page should be numbered progressively.

  • Dissertation Cover Page
  • Dissertation First Page
  • Letter of Proposal/Synopsis Approval from Programme Coordinator, MTTM, New Delhi
  • Table of Contents Figures/Tables List Acknowledgement
  • Text in the main (comprises of the chapters, bibliography and appendices)

Writing & Editing

Read your Project Report with a critical eye. Pretend you’re being paid to uncover flaws in it since it was authored by someone else. You’re also being compensated for recognising and praising its positive aspects. In a nutshell, remain objective. Do not worry about substance when reading your Dissertation for the first time. You can’t begin to evaluate its content with as many faults in style as it definitely contains; poor style obscures the worth of its material.

Because he does not recognise everything that is wrong with his initial draught, the average student does not know how to modify it. Even if you are not a talented writer, removing the most obvious flaws from your writing will enhance it.

The content will be the second point of concern.

  • Replace all superfluous passive voice usage with active voice usage.
  • Check each of your adjectives individually. Is each one required? Does it give your statement more weight? Could you remove it and replace it with a more dramatic verb to reinforce the statement?
  • Make sure you’re being concise. Have you used words and phrases that aren’t necessary?

Editing is a difficult task. Objectivity is required. It necessitates the ability to read and reread, delete, and rewrite. Nonetheless, all of your efforts will be rewarded. We guarantee the quality of your final product.

The text will improve as you learn to recognise errors as you make them and discipline yourself not to allow those errors to creep into your writing. Editing and rewriting will take less time, effort, and discomfort as the quality of your work improves. Allow that enticing promise to motivate you to do your best work for the first time. You will come to like the challenge of writing if you develop yourself in this manner.

Dear learner, if we have established hard and fast standards for you to follow, we have done so because a Dissertation that demonstrates careful attention to the minor details that form excellence will be seen favourably by both you and your Supervisor. This attention to detail starts with your first trip to the library and only stops after you finish your Dissertation.

Our goal in producing this essay was to map the road in between, to illuminate the dark spots, to recommend a safe speed restriction, and to erect warning signs, in other words, to make the route less dangerous to drive. We’ll have accomplished our goal if you feel satisfied when you’ve completed your journey.

Note: Make a copy of your Dissertation for yourself before submitting it for assessment. The Dissertation will not be returned after it has been evaluated.

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