The IGNOU BAVTM Project (BTMP-142) carried out a six-credit course. This indicates that the IGNOU BAVTM Project (BTMP-142) will take around a year to complete and will require approximately 120 study hours.
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The IGNOU BAVTM Project process begins with subject selection and culminates with the submission of a 12,000-word research paper (without bibliographic references) indicating the completion of assigned obligations. These are the duties:
- Selecting a study topic
- Conducting an examination of important literature
- How to write an IGNOU BAVTM synopsis
- Collecting and evaluating data
How do write an IGNOU BAVTM Proposal/Synopsis (BTMP-142)?
To your supervisor, you may submit a proposal/synopsis. The procedures below will aid you in writing your IGNOU BAVTM Synopsis.
1) The Project’s Title
The title of the project should make it abundantly clear what it is and what it will entail. It should be brief, succinct, and exact in its presentation. You should ensure that the subject is relevant to your line of work.
2) Direction
You can summarise the subject, the study’s wide scope, why the subject is relevant, and define essential words in the beginning.
3) Acknowledgement of the title
The problem statement should include a brief analysis and description of the topic’s relevance. To be more specific, this serves as the foundation for performing the investigation. The current literature is analyzed to support the study’s topic selection, and gaps in the knowledge base are identified.
4) Objectives
The project’s objectives should make it very obvious why you are embarking on this adventure. A subject will typically have between three and four objectives. You might develop these objectives to focus your efforts. Consider the following: fictitious scenario: You wish to undertake study in a rural place on female child dropout. You may choose to look at the variables that lead to the high dropout rate among people with varying socioeconomic origins. As a result, such objectives will assist in defining the investigation’s scope.
5) Hypothesis
The hypothesis is the most plausible explanation for the project’s current state. Not all inquiries, however, include the testing of hypotheses (the majority of experiments do). You and your supervisor can decide together what sort of study to do. Given the projected sample size of about 100 respondents, you may even choose to omit hypotheses from your analysis.
6) Research Methodology
If fieldwork is required for your BAVTM research, you must first identify the study’s universe. The term “universe” refers to a study’s whole area or population sampled. This will vary according on the research’s geographical scope and study unit. For instance, if you are studying the characteristics of homes in a village, your study’s universe will encompass all households. You will choose a portion of this universe at random.
7) Sampling Methods
If your strategy is based on field research, you must select a random sample of the population. A sample is a representation of a portion of the population. Sampling might be random or clustered. To gain a better grasp of the various sample procedures, consult any basic statistics book that you may have studied in preparation for Research Methods in Tourism Management.
8) Instruments for Data Collection
You will provide the tools to collect data from various sources. Due to the inherent complexity and diversity of social reality, it is possible that a particular inquiry will require the use of various approaches.
9) Data Analysis
Once the raw data has been scrutinised and coded, statistical methods may be utilised to undertake data analysis. It is prudent to include a description of the strategies you propose to use in your proposal.
10) Tables
The tables will provide relevant statistical information such as percentages, means, medians, standard deviations, and correlation coefficients.
Number the tables accordingly (e.g., Chapter I will have Tables 1.1, 1.2, and so on; Chapter 2 will have Tables 2.1, 2.2, and so on). Following the table number will be a table title that should be as brief as possible while summarising the contents of the table effectively. Indicate a table’s source below it. Three paragraphs can assist you in comprehending the table: I summarise the parameter or issue, (ii) provide an interpretation, and (iii) call attention to key findings and indications.
11) Chapter Organization
The chapter structure, or plan, will guide the organization of the report. This exercise will aid you in efficiently and systematically finishing your dissertation.
How do I write an IGNOU BAVTM Project (BTMP-142)?
The IGNOU BAVTM Project is organised in this manner:
- The length of the IGNOU BAVTM project should be roughly 20,000 words (including the title page, acknowledgements, and bibliographic references). While it is acceptable to include relevant statistical and documentary appendices such as questionnaires, surveys, interview schedules, and other data gathering materials, they should be kept to a minimum.
- On A4-size paper, dissertations should be typed or word processed.
- Except for bibliographic references, the main body of the project should be 1.5-line spaced and printed on one side of the page with one-inch margins.
- In the bottom-center of each page, the numbering should appear in an ascending order.
- Spiral-bind the finished dissertation and the accepted project proposal between light plastic sheets.
You should organize the project’s contents as follows:
- The project’s cover page should include the title of the project, the student’s name and enrollment number, the academic supervisor’s name, the degree programme for which the project was written, the university’s name, and the month and year of submission.
- The title page should include the same information as the cover page, as well as the following statement: “This project is submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Indira Gandhi National Open University’s Bachelor of Arts (Vocational Studies) Tourism Management (BAVTM) degree,” followed by the submission date (month and year).
- A note from the Academic Supervisor attesting that the candidate’s project is unique and should be submitted to the examiner.
- The Table of Contents should include a list of the project’s chapters, together with their corresponding sections and page numbers, as well as page numbers for bibliographic references and any figures, tables, or maps.
- Acknowledgements: You may like to express your gratitude for any support received during the project preparation process.
- The body of the work is split into chapters (usually three or four, including an Introduction and Conclusion), bibliographic references, and, if necessary, appendices. Each chapter, bibliography, and appendix should begin on a separate page; however, sections inside major headings may continue on the same page. The project’s major text should be sequentially numbered. The bibliography should include a list of all books cited in the chapters as well as any other significant sources used to build the project.
- At the completion of the project, the Faculty Committee must approve the Project Proposal.
Writing Techniques to Improve Your IGNOU BAVTM Project Work
Here are some tips so that you can score good marks in your BAVTM project work;
- You should now have a better concept of how an IGNOU BAVTM Project should be conducted. To summarise, the following extra recommendations can assist you in increasing the effectiveness of your IGNOU BAVTM Project work:
- The project should be organised clearly and simply, utilising straightforward, ordinary language and sentence structure. The language should be concise and formal, free of colloquialisms and slang. I, we, you, mine, our, and us should not be used as personal pronouns. These words should be substituted for’researcher’ or ‘investigator’. Except for common abbreviations such as M.A., IQ, and so on, abbreviations should be avoided throughout the project’s major material.
- Unless they are often used in statistical discussions, numerals smaller than three figures, round numbers, and numbers that begin sentences should always be spelt properly. Additionally, fractions are specified. For decimals and percentages, figures are utilised; nevertheless, the phrase ‘percent’ is spelled out, e.g. 25%.
- By including a visual component into your project, images and tables can aid in the clarification of difficult concepts. They should be avoided unless they are directly related to your project and assist the reader in comprehending your views. Never substitute an image or table for words. If you use another person’s graphic or table, you must give the originator credit as you would with any other quote.
- Writing is frequently more time consuming than the majority of people imagine. As a result, avoid delaying the start of writing until the final few weeks before the submission date; rather, begin as soon as feasible.
- When writing, it is not required to begin with the first chapter. You may begin writing at any place other than word one in the chapter. Commence with the most persuading facts and simple concepts.
- Create a chapter-by-chapter outline of your project’s contents. This will help you organise and arrange your writing process. Additionally, it helps you to estimate the length of each chapter, identify which sections require additional work, and decide where to insert material.
- Headers and subheadings are used to break up big sections of content. The more indications provided to the reader, the easier it will be to browse and interpret the project.
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