Purpose of Writing IGNOU MAPC Project
When it comes to gaining a better grasp of how the human mind works, IGNOU MAPC projects may be really beneficial. IGNOU MAPC Project work is a piece of autonomous research or inquiry work. The goal of the project work is to allow the student to analyse a specific issue and reach a decision. The information and understanding gained from the various MA Psychology courses are put into practise via project work. As a result, the project’s goal is to provide students the opportunity to apply what they’ve learned in class and to improve their talents in their chosen fields. The learner is inspired to carry out a research project/study and write an IGNOU MAPC Project.
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Ideas to Select Topics for IGNOU MAPC Project
It does seems that coming up with great topics is more difficult than the research and writing phases of preparing a report. Thankfully, there are several amazing websites that may assist you in reaching a clear notion of your purpose. These are just a few suggestions to begin your project work.
IGNOU MAPC Project Topics List
Need of Guide/Supervisor in IGNOU MAPC Project Work
A Guide/Supervisor is required for Project completion. He helps you to establish ethical practises in the study process and he helps you learn how to follow requirements when composing the project report. Additionally, he provides the authorisation letter, which will assist you in gathering data for a research study on different areas of the community, healthcare facilities, institutions, or organisations pertinent to her/his region. The supervisor’s biographical data as well as the IGNOU MAPC Synopsis must be submitted to the Study Centre/Regional Centre (wherever it is necessary).
Preparation of IGNOU MAPC Synopsis
A Synopsis is a methodical strategy, which requires previous preparation to realise the project’s objectives. It is much like a blueprint, which a designer prepares before construction begins. A Synopsis is a thorough document including many components of the report which you will be doing, including an explanation of the problem and its relevance, development of hypothesis(es) (if applicable), and a complete bibliography.
A Synopsis must include the specifications required for a quality project report. Reports must follow a well-planned and well-designed approach. Let’s take a look at the various forms of specifications that should be included in the IGNOU MAPC Synopsis. This includes the following specifications;
- Title
- Introduction
- Review of Related Literature
- Rationale
- Operational Definitions
- Objectives
- Hypothesis
- Research Methodology
- Method of Data Analysis
- Delimitations
- References (APA Format)
Read the Sample Synopsis given below for your references.
- IGNOU MAPC Clinical Synopsis Sample (MPCE 16)
- IGNOU MAPC Counselling Synopsis Sample (MPCE 26)
- IGNOU MAPC Industrial & Organizational Synopsis Sample (MPCE 36)
Submission of IGNOU MAPC Synopsis
After the preparation of project synopsis under the supervision of guide/supervisor, you need to submit the project synopsis at your study/Regional centre for further evaluation of project work. The Study Centre will thereafter email synopses to the Program Coordinator, Discipline of Psychology, IGNOU, New Delhi.
The Faculty will evaluate the synopses. Suggestions will be provided when needed. As a result, you must resubmit the synopsis with the appropriate changes. Submit your synopsis/proposal before the last date.
If the synopsis is not accepted, you will get comments/suggestions for reformulating the project. In this scenario, the amended project synopsis should be submitted with a new Project synopsis permission form, as well as the previous project synopsis approval form with the faculty’s comments/suggestions. The original synopsis will submitted along with the amended synopsis.
Preparation of IGNOU MAPC Report
Once your synopsis has been approved, you may begin collecting data. Once you’ve gathered and evaluated the data, you may begin working on your IGNOU MAPC Report. Keep in touch with your guide/supervisor to get guidance and support for preparing the IGNOU MAPC Report.
Project duration is dependent on the project’s focus. However, the ideal length is around 100 pages typed double-spaced. Printing on A4 paper and Hard Bound Copy is ideal. Project Dissertation work should be done in English. It should be structured like this:
- Title Page
- Certificates of originality and completion
- Acknowledgement
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1 : Introduction
- Chapter 2 : Review of Literature
- Chapter 3 : Rationale of the study
- Chapter 4 : Methodology
- Chapter 5 : Results and Discussion
- Chapter 6 : Conclusion and Implications
- Chapter 7 : Delimitations, Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research
- References (APA Format)
- Questionnaire
Read the Sample Project Report given below for your references.
- IGNOU MAPC Clinical Project Report Sample (MPCE 16)
- IGNOU MAPC Counselling Project Report Sample (MPCE 26)
- IGNOU MAPC Industrial & Organizational Project Report Sample (MPCE 36)
FAQs Related to IGNOU MAPC Project
Q. What is MAPC in IGNOU?
A. MAPC stands for MA Pscyhology. Due to the practical nature of psychology, providing it in a distant form is difficult. The Discipline of Psychology at IGNOU attempts to provide psychology programmes that integrate components such as practicum, internship, and project so that students may gain hands-on experience and benefit from better learning.
Q. Where can I submit IGNOU MAPC project?
A. For seeking the submission of project report work, it can be forwarded to the concerned Regional Centre at www.ignou.ac.in > Regional Network > Regional Centre’s.
Q. Can I submit the MAPC project online?
A. Yes. Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, IGNOU began accepting projects through the online mode.
Read More:
- Tips for a Successful IGNOU MAPC Project
- The Perfect Way to Make IGNOU MAPC Project
- Format of IGNOU MAPC Report
- IGNOU MAPC Project Synopsis: A Comprehensive Guide
- IGNOU MAPC Synopsis – A Brief Guide of Writing
- How to Download IGNOU MAPC Project Synopsis Sample Pdf?
- Overview of the IGNOU MAPC Project | MPCE 16/26/36
- Guidelines for the IGNOU MAPC Project Synopsis and Report Dissertation for MPCE-16/26/36
- Guidelines for the IGNOU MPCE-16 Project Synopsis and Report Dissertation for MAPC
- A Complete Guide to Make IGNOU MPCE 26 Project
- IGNOU Master’s Degree Programme in Psychology (MAPC) SYNOPSIS PROJECT REPORT
- IGNOU MAPC (MA PSYCHOLOGY) PROJECT/REPORT MPCE 016 Project, MPCE 026 Project & MPCE 036 Project (Masters in Psychology)
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September 26, 2022ignou solved assignment