Submit IGNOU Assignment
Can we submit IGNOU assignment after exam?
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has extended the last date for assignment submission for students enrolled in the July session. IGNOU has already released the examination programme for the June 2019 TEE. Students need to submit their assignments and fill the examination form for the Term End Examination.
When should we submit assignment for IGNOU?
We should submit our assignment according to the dates that released by IGNOU for the Assignment. Last Date to submit Assignment is 15 May 2019 & Exams will begin from 1st June. Good news for all those candidates who submitted Assignment & Practical Marks for June 2019 TEE. IGNOU has started updating the Marks. You’re requested to follow the steps available below & check your IGNOU Assignment Status.
How can I get good marks in IGNOU assignments?
To get good marks in IGNOU assignments we should follow the followings methods:
(a) The matter (answers) should be ours.
(b) We should not copy the answer of each and every question from the internet or from our study material.
(c) We have to write answers in our language while writing assignments.
(d) The more we show our efforts in writing, the more we will be noticed while checking the assignments.
(e) The presentation matters.
(f) The pages of our work should be properly attached inside a file.
(g) All answers should be written in good handwriting.
(h) Proper indentation must be used.
(i) Each and every answer should be properly numbered.
(j) Only white A4 sheets should be used while writing answers.
(k) A copy of printed assignments should be attached in the starting of the file along with assignment code for further reference.
Is it Compulsory to submit assignments?
Yes, every IGNOU students have to write and submit their assignments to SC before the due date.
If any student failed to submit then he/she cannot attend the Term End Exam conducted by IGNOU University.
Students can also get bits of help from IGNOU Solved Assignments to prepare best assignment sheet for submitting it to centre.